10 Celebrities Who Smoke Cannabis
From Jennifer Lawrence to Brad Pitt, here’s a list of ten stars who love to smoke cannabis
1. Lady Gaga
Singer and actress Lady Gaga uses weed for many reasons: creativity stimulation, pain management, coping with stress, fun, and more.
Lady Gaga explains she smokes pot when writing music, and at one point even smoked 15-20 marijuana cigarettes a day to help curb her mental distress and a hip injury she had.
She was even seen taking a hit on stage from a fan’s joint during one of her concerts. You can watch a video of it HERE.
2. Jennifer Lawrence
Throughout the years, Academy award-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence has told several stories about her casual weed use. In a 2015 interview she admitted to smoking weed with her brother just before attending the Oscars. She also shared a story in 2018 where she got paranoid at Ellen DeGeneres’ birthday party after getting a joint from some rappers. Most recently, Lawrence took a puff on set for her role in the 2020 movie “Don’t Look Up” because her character constantly gets high in the film. “I was a real target,” said Lawrence about the experience of being high on set. “Everyone was fucking with me, I guess because I was high. Easy to fuck with.”3. Morgan Freeman
Freeman has been using pot for many years as pain relief for his fibromyalgia and is a staunch advocate for marijuana legalization. In an 2015 interview for the Hollywood Reporter, Freeman stated he takes his weed “however it comes.” He’ll “eat it, drink it, smoke it, snort it!”4. Rihanna
Rihanna has never been shy about her marijuana usage. The singer has been seen toking in countless photos and speaks candidly about her love of it.Kush rolled, glass full...I prefer the better things!
— Rihanna (@rihanna) January 15, 2012
5. Harrison Ford
According to the late Carrie Fisher’s memoir, Harrison Ford and she spent several weekends smoking weed together during their brief affair. In fact, Ford’s weed was so good that she said she forgot a lot of 1976.
Another person also claimed during the original Star Wars filming, Ford would smoke a joint while being driven to set.
6. Seth Rogen
Another celebrity who unashamedly loves weed and let’s everyone know it is actor/comedian Seth Rogen.
Rogen regularly smokes for fun and is often high “all day every day” even when filming.
Recently, he posted a rolling tray he made himself to “accommodate [his] joint rolling need.”
I invented a rolling tray. pic.twitter.com/R7LIHUSUoP
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 14, 2021
7. Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt has been smoking since the 90’s, and his use is widely documented. Many stories have come out from other celebrities who have witnessed his legendary smoking including people like Quentin Tarantino and Bill Maher.
When Maher told Pitt that his joints were perfectly rolled, the actor replied with: “I’m an artist.”
8. Snoop Dogg
You can’t have a list of celebrities smoking pot and not have Snoop Dogg included.
Snoop Dogg lives and breathes marijuana. His lyrics, cookbooks, interviews, and more all tend to revolve around the subject. He famously created his own line of weed and even started a marijuana culture website.
“You smoke weed and it brings people together,” the cannabis-loving hip-hop star once said.